
Friday Links #269

Programming REST Hooks Servant for IIS Hello World Quiz PeteW/ElmahExtensions D3 on AngularJS | ng-newsletter Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate Using AngularJS Promises - Liam Kaufman The Pure Blog — How We Improved Grids in...

Pure CSS Framework as an Alternative to Bootstrap

Given the popularity of Bootstrap you could be forgiven not knowing about other capable CSS frameworks. Pure is a CSS framework from Yahoo. It’s small at 4.3 KB (minified and gzipped). Being small doesn’t mean...

Friday Links #268

Programming JavaScript’s type system Ember.js - Ember 1.0 Released The Angular Way | Flippin’ Awesome Flat And Thin Are In | Smashing Magazine xdomain: A Pure JavaScript CORS Alternative TweenMax – TweenLite on Steroids «...

Friday Links #267

Apologies for the Instapaper links. They recently changed their interface and screwed things up royal… Programming elmah.io ChocolateChip-UI Functional CSS (FCSS) Flipload JS Component AngularJS Masonry Directive Zen Coding (Emmit) with Visual Studio The Search...

Friday Links #266

Programming Brick Ratchet Medium.js Beware the string Superspeed your angularjs apps Building an AngularJS Dialog Service Divshot - Bootstrap 3 Interface Builder AngularJS Code Snippets for Visual Studio NProgress: slim progress bars in JavaScript Smart...

Friday Links #265

Programming Introduction to Topcoat Bootstrap 3 RC2 · Bootstrap Blog Need LINQ but Writing JavaScript? 8 Windows Live Writer tips - Jon Galloway Valid JavaScript variable names · Mathias Bynens jQuery Mobile 1.4.0 Alpha 2...

Predators and the Internet

My parents, I love them dearly, but sometimes I wonder how they made it through life. Case in point. Some guy named Steve calls and announces to my parents that there is a problem with...

Friday Links #264

Programming Animating with AngularJS SVG Filters on Text | CSS-Tricks Humanizer V0.4 - Mehdi Khalili Why does Angular.js rock? - Angular Tips Some AngularJS pitfalls - Branch and Bound New Video: Getting Started with C#...

AsyncCommand Implementation in WPF

I found this nifty implementation of a asynchronous command using the new async/await syntax in C# 4.5 in some code I was reviewing. Nice abstraction. using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Input; namespace OpenWeather.Command { internal...

Average Response Time on Azure

Out of curiosity, I set up my blog software to run on the new Azure Web sites service and then monitored the response times as compared to my current hosting service. Data centers for both...
.Net, Technology, Life, Whatever

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