
Friday Links #274

Programming AngularJS Directive Design Made Easy Virtual x86: x86 Emulator Written in JavaScript Alex Rothenberg - How To Unit Test An Angular App. The Definitive Guide to Angular on Mobile | ng-newsletter The dict pattern:...

Friday Links #273

Programming Brick ng-trans.css QuestionMark.js Angular Loading Bar The JavaScript console API Getting Started | Semantic UI Learning Xamarin–Taking the plunge javascript - What is Node.js? - Stack Overflow Angular Animation - Under the Hood |...

Tweetz Desktop Beta

Tweetz Desktop is a desktop version of my twitter gadget tweetz. It has many of a the same features as the gadget. Like the gadget, Tweetz Desktop is designed to sit quietly in the corner...

Friday Links #272

Programming Conzole Safe integers in JavaScript Read JavaScript Allongé | Leanpub Eyeo 2013 - Mike Bostock on Vimeo Node.js: A Jumpstart for Devs - NewCircle A whirlwind tour of Web Components with Polymer Stack -...

Friday Links #271

Programming Welcome – Polymer Switch to HTTPS Now, For Free The Future of AngularJS - Google Drive Interactive Data Visualization for the Web PACE — Automatic page load progress bars Peachy- World’s First 3D Printer...

Async Event Handlers in C#

Recently, C# added a nifty async/await facility. I have not used it extensively due to the new and unfamiliar async/await declarations. I’m slowly warming up to it however. Here’s a two-liner that speaks volumes to...

Keyboard Handling in WPF Popup Class

It’s quite a bit of effort to get a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Popup to close when the Escape key is pressed. There are several solutions freely available on the Web, but none of them...

Friday Links #270

Programming vex completely.js RedScript by AdamBrodzinski The Elm Programming Language Creative Loading Effects – Codrops How many tuple types are there in C#- A Complete Guide to the Table Element - CSS-Tricks ASP.NET You’re Doing...

AugularJS iTunes Example

I recently gave a presentation on AnguluarJS to a local user group. It was introductory in nature. Towards the end I presented a single file example that demonstrated a number of concepts I had touched...

Time Management is Key to Good Presentations

I occasionally give talks on programming topics at user groups and conferences. I’m no expert at this, but having sat through hundreds of talks and having delivered a few of them myself, I’ve come to...
.Net, Technology, Life, Whatever

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Tweetz 2.0 Beta
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