
Tweetz Desktop Update

Been a good week development-wise. Here’s what’s new with Tweetz Desktop. Type Ahead – Type @ and part of a screen name and a list of matching names is shown. Similar to what twitter does...

Friday Links #278

Programming · Scrolld.js · Let’s Make a Bar Chart, III LINQ to CSV library - CodeProject screen.width is useless - QuirksBlog HTTP 2.0 May Be SSL-Only - Slashdot Productivity Power Tools 2013 extension Leveling Up...

Tweetz Desktop Update

Version 0.6.2 Font sizing. In the settings dialog. Bug fixes and internal cleanups. That is all. Available on the downloads page

Tweetz Desktop Design Proposal

I’m toying around with the idea of not scrolling in new tweets as they arrive. Instead, a notification area near the top would indicate the number of new tweets available. Click on the notification area...

Desk Drive 2.0

This update does not add any new functionality. It’s a recompile to use the latest .NET 4.5 run-time. Normally, I wouldn’t bother but installing .NET 3.5 on Windows 7 and 8 turns out to be...

Friday Links #277

Programming Rotate the World Making Nancy Modules easier to manage Animated SVG Icons with Snap.svg | Codrops Shipping Visual Studio snippets in an extension An In-Depth Introduction To Ember.js | Smashing Coding variadic.me - Share...

Tweetz Desktop Update 0.6

Here’s what’s new in 0.6 Real time updates. Tweetz Desktop now uses Twitter’s streaming API resulting in faster timeline updates. This also avoids some of the limitations of the REST API. Reply to all. If...

Friday Links #276

Programming Introducing Octokit.NET Addepar | Ember Charts DNC Magazine - Nov-Dec 2013 Introduction to Sails.js | Nettuts+ Refactoring to AngularJS Directive Cisco’s H.264 Good News | Brendan Eich Glide.js | Simple, Lightweight & Fast jQuery...

Friday Links #275

Programming gabesoft/trans Snap.svg - Home Bento - Learn how to code DanWahlin/AngularOverlay Releases · knockout/knockout Kendo UI JSFiddle Starter Template Unit Testing Best Practices in AngularJS Promises in AngularJS, Explained as a Cartoon Why I’m...

Tweetz Desktop Update

Release 0.5.1 notes: Add sizing control to right side of program to allow sizing width. It’s only on the right side and it’s a small hit target. Trying to keep the window chrome down to...
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