
Tweetz 3.1–Beta 4

jQuery 1.5 was just released and I’d like to get some testing with it to see how it goes. I did find one bug in the cross domain support in jQuery that I had to...

My Favorite Chrome Extensions

If you’re not using Google’s Chrome browser, you might want to try it. Fast, minimal interface and compatible with the latest Web technologies (i.e. HTML5), it’s my favorite browser. Chrome also supports extensions. While not...

Friday Links #137

Programming Three Tricks For Capturing Command Line Output - Scott Forsyth’s Blog Getting Started with NuGet Packages step by step overview.:DotNetJalps About - App Inventor for Android Applications Desktop notifications for emails and chat messages...

Tweetz 3.1–Beta 3

We’re inching closer to the next release. Current fixes include: An internal error that could cause tweets to be dropped. Don’t know if it ever happened but the logic suggested it could. Slowness: This one...

Friday Links #136

Programming JetBrains .NET Tools Blog » Blog Archive » ReSharper 5.1.2 is Released Prism 4.0 Template Pack Now Available - David Hill’s WebLog JavaScript’s arguments object…and beyond | JavaScript, JavaScript Vingy - Visual Studio Instant...

Come “Flex” your Programing Muscles

Codemash is a regional conference that has grown from humble beginnings 5 years ago into a world class conference. It’s one of my primary sources for learning “new stuff”. Hey, one of the reasons we...

Friday Links #135

Programming Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Flex WebSequenceDiagrams.com - Draw and Edit Sequence Diagrams in seconds 500 Metro Style WP7 Icons - Fear and Loathing Javascript Organization for MVC – CodeProject Unit Test...

Friday Links #134

Programming Crafty - JavaScript Game Engine Overview — Sphinx v1.0.5 documentation Step by step building a bar graph webpage using MS-Charting Tool Cross-Training in Silverlight & Flex–MVVM vs Presentation Model « Brian Genisio’s House of...

Tweetz 3.1–Beta 2

What’s fixed: Bold Tweets – New tweets are in bold font. This is a bug in the gadget platform that I forget about from time to time. Using any type of opacity fading causes fonts...

Tweetz 3.1–Beta 1

It’s a new year and Tweetz 3.1 is feature complete. So what just what are those features you ask? Well, here they are: Localization – Tweetz in now available in a dozen languages. (English, French,...
.Net, Technology, Life, Whatever

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