20 Jul 2016
Version 1.1 has only one change. Clicking on an image in a tweet opens it in a popup window, centered on the active monitor, instead of the web browser. I found this to be much...
03 Jul 2016
Tweetz has been “finished” for quite some time now so I decided to call it 1.0. Not sure why I didn’t do this sooner. I use the darn thing every day and have so day...
08 May 2016
What’s changed: Does not wake up the computer once it enters sleep. The type of network activity tweetz uses will not allow the computer to enter sleep mode if a new tweet arrives. However, once...
24 Mar 2016
I work with node packages frequently. The file paths are often longer than what Windows will process. When trying to delete these files and folders, you’ll see an error message saying it can’t delete the...
30 Jan 2016
It’s been a couple of years since I’ve updated Tweetz Desktop. Today I blew the dust off the old girl and updated the interface to conform to the new, “Likes” feature (formally known as “Favorites)....
14 Jan 2016
When I’m looking at debug output, often I’m curious about when the event of interest has occurred. I’ve seen tools that add clock time to the output but I don’t find that useful. I’m interested...
10 Jan 2016
What’s new: Added time stamps to the debug output window as pictured: Yes, they’re optional. The first number is the time since the beginning of the debug session. The second is the difference between the...
26 Dec 2015
What’s changed:
Color changes no longer require a restart
25 Dec 2015
Programming Neon: Node + Rust = 💖 dfilatov/vidom Exploring the new .NET “dotnet” Command Line Interface (CLI) - Scott Hanselman Tree-shaking with webpack 2 and Babel 6 Visual Studio Code December 0.10.5 Dissection of Flux...
23 Dec 2015
Note: Settings are now stored in an external file. Settings from previous versions will not be migrated What’s changed: Works with all themes (finally)! Patterns and colors stored in separate file. ($APPDATA%/VsColorOutput/vscoloroutput.json) Share them with...