
Friday Links #315

Programming geddski/overmind [Creating charts with C3.js Trifork Blog](http://blog.trifork.com/2014/07/29/creating-charts-with-c3-js/) facebook/immutable-js Diving Deeper With ES6 Generators Wisembly/basil.js angular-debaser Index Super Powers for Web Developers [Guide to Responsive-Friendly CSS Columns CSS-Tricks](http://css-tricks.com/guide-responsive-friendly-css-columns/) Dispatched and direct method calls in ECMAScript...

Friday Links #314

Programming wooorm/retext Cosmos - C# Open Source Managed Operating System - CodeProject Protractor - end to end testing for AngularJS [W2UI 1.4 Released JavaScript UI - w2ui](http://w2ui.com/web/blog/12/W2UI-1.4-Released) DailyJS: Simplifying Conditional Statements with Is The Basics...

Friday Links #313

Programming ng-Fx webpack simov/purest ES6 Rocks Please JS Superhero.js Mastering the Module Pattern Ampersand.js - Home Android to Include Ahead-Of-Time Compiler Minimal AMD loader - curiosity-driven.org Data-binding Revolutions with Object.observe() - HTML5 Rocks 18 Surprises...

Friday Links #312

Programming Alchemy.js JSDB.io - The Database of JavaScript Libraries [Using SVG Stroke Attributes Flippin’ Awesome](http://flippinawesome.org/2014/07/09/using-svg-stroke-attributes/) This will handle Nancy content negotiation on errors so the client receives JSON, XML or HTML based on the client...

Friday Links #311

Programming simpl.info krasimir/deb.js Sharp Tests Ex - Home Visualizing Algorithms JavaScript Modules Ecma Standardizes Dart Safer TypeScript - Microsoft Research It’s Tuples All The Way Down! Hamlet - Simple and powerful reactive templating [PostSharp Blog...

Introducing Nancy.Pile

Nancy.Pile is a super simple asset bundler for NancyFx. Features Concatenates and minifies style sheets and JavaScript files. Won’t minify files with “.min.” in the file name. Nuget package or include a single file in...

Friday Links #310

Programming ki Introducing the Revert Button hughsk.io/disc/ [Introduction TroopJS](http://troopjs.com/index.html) addyosmani/es6-tools Tour Iconic Licon - Lightness and Useful icons with Pure CSS3 Lazy.js - v0.3.2 Epoch by Fastly thecodejunkie.com - Nancy moving forward Multiple return values...

Friday Links #309

Programming Formly for Angular urish/angular-moment Google Maps for AngularJS bimal1331/angular-masonry-fly Why We Should Love ‘null’ - CodeProject [Modular AngularJS NuGet Packages John Papa](http://www.johnpapa.net/modular-angularjs-nuget-packages/) Knockout.js 3.2 Preview : Components - Knock Me Out [Faster UI Animations...

Friday Links #308

Programming Bounce.js Elm Debugger [MotorCortex.js Home](http://motorcortexjs.com/?utm_source=html5weekly&utm_medium=email#) Getfirebug Blog - Blog Archive » Firebug 2.0 DailyJS: Node Hardware Hacking with Tessel GitHub for Windows 2.0 - You’ve Been Haacked Free DevExpress MVVM Framework released - WPF...

Friday Links #307

Programming n3-charts ng-inspector for AngularJS [Prefill Your Own Forms in Dev CSS-Tricks](http://css-tricks.com/prefill-forms-dev/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter) [Accessing Visual Studio Online from YOUR Azure Account - Now we can with this new PaaS offering John V. Petersen](http://codebetter.com/johnvpetersen/2014/06/03/accessing-visual-studio-online-from-your-azure-account-now-we-can-with-this-new-paas-offering/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CodeBetter+%28CodeBetter.Com%29) Visual Studio CTP...
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