26 Sep 2014
Programming cucumber/cucumber-js Towards a better console - PSReadline for PowerShell command line editing - Scott Hanselman chajs/cha View Issue/Pull Request buttons for Gmail Quote Of The Day for Your Site - BrainyQuote Toodledo/ADE Angular Loading...
19 Sep 2014
Programming [Build Web Layouts Easily with Susy CSS-Tricks](http://css-tricks.com/build-web-layouts-easily-susy/) Transducers.js: A JavaScript Library for Transformation of Data dougwilson/nodejs-depd [Datavisualization with Angular and d3 on the Twitter Stream API Topheman JS](http://dev.topheman.com/datavisualization-with-angular-and-d3-on-the-twitter-stream-api/) How do you deal with anxiety...
12 Sep 2014
Programming jdan/cleaver MathJax Chrome DevTools Overview - Google Chrome DailyJS: Shout: An IRC Client for the Web New handy Visual Studio extensions Optimizing static websites hosted on IIS jimobrien/ngMorph js-sequence-diagrams by bramp Node OS hello.js...
09 Sep 2014
TL;DR - GitHub - Nancy.Markdown.Blog I wanted to write my blog posts in Markdown. I write my GitHub docs and Stack Overflow questions in Markdown, so why not my blog posts? I also wanted to...
05 Sep 2014
Programming Animatr uilang busterc/gulpfile Simply Toast by ericprieto CSSDesk - Online CSS Sandbox Standard Markdown Standard Flavored Markdown Stylify Me - Online Style Guide Generator Victor.js - 2D Vectors for JavaScript Prepare web.config for HTML5...
30 Aug 2014
Been a while since I updated Tweetz Desktop. Busy busy busy as they say. So what’s new? Romanian, Japanese, Russian and Ukrainian translations added Monetization removed Expiration removed Newlines in tweets rendered Four larger font...
30 Aug 2014
Not to sound like a shill for the electric company, but if you’re a customer, DTE Energy’s Insight App is one cool, free smartphone application. Just saying…
Available for both Android and iPhone.
29 Aug 2014
Programming Kite terra.js SkateJS sweep.js trueinteractions/tint2 impulse.luster.io bevacqua/sektor sindresorhus/sparkly svg.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for manipulating and animating svg Git Diff Margin 2013 extension Get started - Quick Azure Videos Introducing MakeDrive PACE -...
22 Aug 2014
Programming Duo giann/zappa sudo-js/cash typicode/lowdb sahat/satellizer bevacqua/dominus [Senna Introduction](http://sennajs.com/) catberry/catberry ASP.NET vNext - Alpha3 [Mono Releases Mono](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/) WebSharper.UI.Next Smart Table documentation Blot is the simplest way to blog Tweetinvi a friendly Twitter C# API -...
08 Aug 2014
Programming [A fast, simple, and flexible static site generator Broccoli Taco](http://broccoli-taco.com/) p5.js Building High-Quality Front-End Modules - Pony Foo tcomb by gcanti VS/TFS 2013.3 (Update 3) released - Brian Harry’s blog - Site Home -...