
Script Bundling in NancyFx

There are several script bundling options available in NancyFx including SquishIt and Microsoft’s Bundle and Minification classes. Try as I might though, I couldn’t get them to work. There’s something funky with the Razor view engine that makes this task impossible at the moment.


This got me to thinking, how hard can it be? Isn’t it just concatenating files into a single response? Well, there’s likely more to it, but as a first cut this works for me.

See Part 2 for an implementation with caching support

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Nancy;
using Nancy.Responses;

namespace SendExplorer.utilities
    public static class Bundle
        public static Response Styles(this IResponseFormatter formatter, IEnumerable<string> paths, 
            IRootPathProvider rootPathProvider)
            return formatter.FromText(ConcatTextFiles(paths, rootPathProvider), "text/css");

        public static Response Scripts(this IResponseFormatter formatter, IEnumerable<string> paths, 
            IRootPathProvider rootPathProvider)
            return formatter.FromText(ConcatTextFiles(paths, rootPathProvider), 

        public static Response FromText(this IResponseFormatter formatter, string text, 
		string contentType)
            var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
            return new StreamResponse(() => stream, contentType);

        public static string ConcatTextFiles(IEnumerable<string> paths, 
            IRootPathProvider rootPathProvider)
            return string.Join(Environment.NewLine, 
		paths.Select(p => ReadTextFile(rootPathProvider, p)));

        private static string ReadTextFile(IRootPathProvider rootPathProvider, string path)
            return File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(rootPathProvider.GetRootPath(), path));


And here’s how to use it.

using Nancy;
using SendExplorer.utilities;

namespace SendExplorer.Modules
    public class SiteModule : NancyModule
        public SiteModule(IRootPathProvider rootPathProvider)
            Get["/"] = p => View["home"];
            Get["/about"] = p => View["about"];

            Get["/styles"] = p => Response.Styles(
		new[] {"css/pure-min.css", "css/styles.css"}, 

            Get["/scripts"] = p => Response.Scripts(
		new[] {"js/third-party/angular.min.js", "js/app/app.js"}, 

I won’t be surprised if I run into issues. I can think of a few already.

  • No caching. Every call will read the files and do the concatenation. This is easy to fix and I’ll add it to the gist when I do it.
  • No minification. Personally, I think minification is overrated. The major benefit of bundling is fewer requests.
  • No name mangling to force the browser to load new assets when on of the assets changes. I’m content with F5 for now.

I would really like to start a discussion on this so please feel free to comment. Script bundling shouldn’t be rocket science.

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