
Friday Links #277


Rotate the World
Making Nancy Modules easier to manage
Animated SVG Icons with Snap.svg | Codrops
Shipping Visual Studio snippets in an extension
An In-Depth Introduction To Ember.js | Smashing Coding
variadic.me - Share state between controllers in AngularJS
Introducing Rodney Viana’s WinDbg Extension for .NET Debugging
This Is Why You Shouldn’t Interrupt a Programmer | The Slightly Disgruntled Scientist
Announcing Mole 2013 for Visual Studio 2013 | Enterprise Touch This and Karl on WPF
Using the #AngularJS FormController to control form submission - The Problem Solver
Making Web Development Wonderful Again with Web Essentials - Microsoft MVP Award Program Blog


LastPass Updates with a New Design, Shared Passwords, and More
PowerCfg - The hidden energy and battery tool for Windows you’re not using - Scott Hanselman

Science and Technology

Exclusive: Skunk Works Reveals SR-71 Successor Plan
Blindfolded People Can Still “See” Their Own Limbs | Popular Science
Self-Driving Pod Cars Are Coming to the U.K. in 2015 | Autopia | Wired.com

On the Web

Internet Explorer 11: the Review - SitePoint
The Latest - Today’s best links from Twitter
Modern/Metro Internet Explorer: What were they thinking??? - Rick Strahl’s Web Log

Stuff I Just Like

Morpher bike helmet folds flat when you aren’t wearing it

Favorite Tweets

“If you do nothing, you can scale infinitely.” – @shanselman – Computer Science

Price of 1gb of storage over time:
1981 $300000
1987 $50000
1990 $10000
1994 $1000
1997 $100
2000 $10
2004 $1
2012 $0.10 – SciencePorn

USB connector superposition strikes again http://t.co/UJDZysYjPGMike Rowehl

← newer older →
.Net, Technology, Life, Whatever

Recent Posts

Checklist Buddy Available for Testing
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Tweetz 2.0 Beta
VSColorOutput 2.7 - Time Stamps
Fixed Focal-Length Eyeglasses, a Programmer's Best Friend
How to Choose the Right VPN Service
Two Handy Command Line Scripts
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