
Silverlight 3 Silently Installed by Windows Update Service

I logged into my laptop this morning and noticed the little tray icon that indicates Windows Update ran. Checking the install history I found this:


Navigate to the link for this update and you’ll discover that the “update” is Silverlight 3. While technically an update, I view Silverlight 3 as an entirely new version and as such, should be something that I opt into. Not that I don’t want Silverlight 3 and all its new goodness, I’m just saying ask the next time.

What surprises me is that I don’t remember hearing about Silverlight 3 being pushed to existing systems. I tend to be on top of these things which is why I’m surprised I missed it. And I’m equally surprised that more complaints have not been issued about this.

As a side note, I actually like Windows Update. Actively updating and fixing issues monthly is not cheap and I’m sure Microsoft would like to put its energies else where or at the very least, charge for the service. Of course some would say that they should given all the “issues” Windows has and I won’t argue. As far as I’m concerned, Microsoft, “Stepped up to the plate”, by supporting Windows with monthly patches for free.

If you’re developing Silverlight applications, like I am, you might not want Silverlight 3 on your box. I run a virtual machine with Silverlight 2 to check backwards compatibility with my application and (surprise) a few issues have cropped up. They were easy to work around but now I’m going to have to check the version of Silverlight on my, “Silverlight 2 test box” every time just to make sure Windows Update didn’t slip Silverlight 3 in there. Bummer.

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