
Desk Drive Milestone Reached


I was checking the download numbers this morning and noticed that Desk Drive has exceed 100,000 downloads. I only track the downloads from my site so the number is likely much larger given the number of freeware/shareware sites that mirror the downloads. The rate of downloads is increasing monthly as well. Four of you have sent donations to date. Doesn’t speak well to the generosity of my fellow man I suppose. Come on people, if the program is really that useful to you why not throw a couple bucks my way. I know times are tough but is the price of a cup of coffee really too much ask? Think about it.

As to the source of those downloads, the majority are from overseas. Japan is the leader in both hits and downloads, followed by most recently the Netherlands and then Germany. The United States ranks a distance fourth. Thanks to everyone who supplied translations. It really has extended the reach of Desk Drive.

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