07 Apr 2008
This really tickled my funny bone this morning. XKCD is one of my favorites. Always interesting. Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable...
05 Apr 2008
When is the last time you’ve seen or used the “is” keyword in code? It can often be used instead of the “as” keyword. Here’s an example from a Microsoft help file. // CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler that...
04 Apr 2008
Here’s an issue I ran into the other day. IMarkupServices markup = (IMarkupServices)htmlDocument2; This line of code was embedded in a C# routine. When called from other C# routines, it worked fine. However, when called...
03 Apr 2008
Can’t remember how to format a date in universal time using String.Format()? How about scientific format for doubles? This little SilverLight tool helps you to quickly build a String.Format() call for any format-enabled type (int,...
02 Apr 2008
The syntax for events and delegates has always struck me as a bit bulky and hard to remember. For instance, to declare an Alarm event seen in many of the Microsoft code samples, you declare...
01 Apr 2008
You’ll see a lot of April Fools’ Pranks on the Web today. This unique spokeshave however, strikes me as a bit more clever than most. This tool is suppose to aid in making tapered dowels....
30 Mar 2008
How many times have you’ve seen this title in a blog? There certainly are enough opinions out there and everyone has their favorites. So without further ado here’s my choice - EmEditor. This editor does...
29 Mar 2008
SimpleZip is my .NET (C#) Zip file generator that requires no third-party support libraries. You can read more about it at the Code Project. This update adds one additional API. void ZipTo(IEnumerable fileNames, Stream archiveStream,...
27 Mar 2008
When debugging console applications in .NET I like the program to pause just before exit so I can study the console output. One way to do this is to set a break point at the...
25 Mar 2008
With all the negative press out there about Windows Vista SP1, I would like to report that some of us have some how managed to install the service pack despite Microsoft’s best efforts (yes, that...