Friday Links #352
24 Apr 2015Programming
- Create, review and deploy code together | Better than GitHub | GitLab
- T3 JavaScript Framework - T3 JavaScript Framework
- 5 Insanely Useful Collaboration Tools Your Team Needs to Know About
- raine/treis
- wheelnav.js - spinning ever
- Rolling out the mobile-friendly update
- 8 Resharper shortcuts everyone should know - Enterprise Craftsmanship
- WPF in .NET 4.6
- Windows 10 - The Fast Ring and BUILD 10061 - Scott Hanselman
[Riot 2.0 A React-like UI library]( - WPF vNext and NuGet
- jsblocks - Better JavaScript MV-ish Framework
- C# 7 Work List of Features
- Documentation - Materialize
- Your Password is Too Damn Short
- Easy Copy Automatically Sends Text You Copy to Other Apps
- Type “Send Directions” Into Google to Navigate on Your Phone
Science and Technology
- “World’s first battery-powered rocket” readied for launch
- Scientists announce final trial results of the world’s most advanced malaria vaccine
- Hands-on with Mini’s new AR goggles
- Official Google Blog: Say hi to Fi: A new way to say hello
- Japan’s new maglev bullet train is now the fastest in the world - SlashGear
- Navy Makes Armor Clear As Clay | Popular Science
On the Web
- Haunting time-lapse inside 1WTC elevator shows panoramic evolution - SlashGear
- ANova Precision Cooker review: Sous vide on something of a budget
- Amazon ‘Destinations’ will take your hotel reservations - SlashGear
Stuff I Just Like
- Charismatic android, Han, can flirt and use facial expressions - SlashGear
- Another Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer, this time in LEGO - SlashGear
- Video: Lightning LS-218 – the wildest ride of 2015
- Listen to Wikipedia Lets You Work to Ambient Sounds of Real-Time Edits