
Friday Links #263


js-sequence-diagrams by bramp
30 Years of Hello, World | Wintellect
What’s new in XAML for Windows 8.1
AngularJS Drag and Drop Photo Directive
Example of a full-width bleed using Bootstrap | endjin blog
Loaders and Spinners - a collection by Tim Holman – CodePen
HttpClient 2.2 is now RC - .NET Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
Windows Timer Resolution: Megawatts Wasted | Random ASCII
HTML5 and CSS3 Editing in Windows Live Writer - Rick Strahl’s Web Log
Fix the 3 silent performance killers for IIS / ASP.NET apps « Mike Volodarsky’s Blog


Gruveo Offers Super-Fast, Anonymous Video Calls, No Installs Required

Science and Technology

Artificial “Spiber” silk is tougher than Kevlar
New technique would allow a petabyte of data on a single disc
All-optical transistor could be a big leap for quantum computing
5-D optical memory in glass could record the last evidence of civilization

On the Web

Altair 8800 Clone: A near-empty box filled with history
BBC News - Computational photography: the snap is only the start
The Shocking Truth About Doug Engelbart: Silicon Valley’s Sidelined Genius -SVW

Stuff I Just Like

Cool Tools – Bug-a-salt
Codlo turns existing cookers into sous-vide machines
Make a Desk Stand for your Mobile Phone with a Cassette Case

Favorite Tweets

GonzoHacker - I wrote a Hello World, but the world acted like it didn’t hear me.

HuffPostDetroit - Nowhere in the world should it be an act of bravery for an adult to teach or a girl to go to school’ -UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Luke Chamberlin- People who don’t build things themselves greatly overestimate the value of ideas.

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.Net, Technology, Life, Whatever

Recent Posts

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VSColorOutput 2.7 - Time Stamps
Fixed Focal-Length Eyeglasses, a Programmer's Best Friend
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Two Handy Command Line Scripts
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