Friday Links #38
14 Feb 2009Duck Typing with dynamic in C# 4.0 - Bill Blogs in C# – Interesting use of the dynamic keyword (C# 4.0) with generics and extension methods.
Elgan: Here comes the e-book revolution – Discussion on how dedicated e-book readers like the Kindle are doomed because of devices like the iPhone.
[Jeff Blankenburg | Blankenthoughts: Tag! You’re It!]( – Microsoft Tag is a visual element much like a UPC that is designed to connect the “real world” to the online world. The 4 color format is designed for print and is much smaller than other black and white technologies. With the ubiquity of mobile devices, tagging will make it much easier to capture information for later online retrieval (business cards for instance). |
Exepack.NET - Package your .NET application consisting of an executable file and several class libraries into single compact easy-to-deploy executable.
StumbleUpon WebToolbar - 50 Strange Buildings of the World – Some of these are so strange as to make me think they’re photo-shopped. Here’s a shot of the Kansas City Public Library.
.NET Reflector, class browser, analyzer and decompiler for .NET – Recently updated to Essential tool for .NET developers (and free!).
[How to Start Google Chrome in Incognito Mode by Default |]( - add an –incognito to the end of program path. | Kindle 2: Amazon’s New Wireless Reading Device – Latest e-book reader from Amazon. Mine should arrive around March 2nd.
Charles Darwin, Ahead of His Time, Is Still Influential - – Just a well written article about this visionary scientist. I love great journalism.
Wizpac txtr reader announced - the Kindle killer? - MobileRead Forums – German made e-book reader could be Kindles’s first real competitor.
Scott Hanselman’s Computer Zen - Hanselman List of Podcasts for .NET - Hanselman’s Super Karate Death Car List of .NET and Software Podcasts.
IDisposable and WCF : Steve Smith’s Blog – There’s an issue with #using and closing WCF services. I suspect I have some “refactoring” to in my own code. Dang!
Energy Information – Google PowerMeter will allow you to monitor your household’s energy usage from the internet. No kidding.
Opera for Windows Free Download and Reviews – Fileforum – I keep trying to like this browser but for some reason I end up going back to Firefox or Chrome. Great feature set and innovative.
[Tesla Motors to show off electric sedan next month | Green Tech - CNET News]( – Electrics are coming and I can’t wait. If only there was a dealership in the Ann Arbor area. |