
Friday Links #28

Friday Fun: Solve Puzzles to Help Out Scientists - Foldit attempts to predict the structure of a protein by taking advantage of humans’ puzzle-solving intuitions and having people play competitively to fold the best proteins. Improve your problem solving skills and the world at the same time.

Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede – Even more amazing when you consider this was a healthy and large man.

[CodeThinked Taking the Magic out of Expression](http://www.codethinked.com/post/2008/11/29/Taking-the-Magic-out-of-Expression.aspx) - Great summary of what expression trees are and why they are useful.

Sara Ford’s WebLog : Did you know… You can double-click on the properties folder in the Solution Explorer to open the project properties page - #368 – This one wins the award for being the most hidden.

Free Web Plan Being Pushed by FCC Head - WSJ.com – Our government actually proposing something useful for a change.

The Best Online Storage Service - Windows SkyDrive – 25GB is great but they still can’t upload an entire folder which makes it somewhat useless.


[Jeff Blankenburg Blankenthoughts: Keeping Your Head In The Cloud ](http://jeffblankenburg.com/2008/11/keeping-your-head-in-cloud.aspx)- Your applications are hosted inside Microsoft’s global datacenters, and are automatically distributed and managed.

Python 3.0 Release – New features but no backwards compatibility. Gutsy move but sometimes you have to break things to make them better.

Featured Firefox Extension: OpenXML Viewer Opens Word 2007 Docx Files in Your Browser – Anything to keep Microsoft Word off my computer.

First superconducting transistor promises PC revolution - tech - 03 December 2008 - New Scientist – Still not room temperature but they’re getting closer.

Featured Windows Download: Wordpad 2009 Offers Windows 7-Like Ribbon Interface – Anything to keep Microsoft Word off my computer, anything.

moq – The simplest mocking library for .NET 3.5 with deep C# 3.0 integration - Moq is designed to be a very practical, unobtrusive and straight-forward way to quickly setup dependencies for your tests. Its API design helps even novice users to fall in the “pit of success” and avoid most common misuses/abuses of mocking. Checkout the QuickStart.

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