How to keep bees, birds and varmints out of play structures
23 Apr 2008 This is one of those Lifehacker type of tips my wife discovered a few years ago. Problem, we have a play house I built for our kids a few years back that attracts bees, nesting birds and other pests. We would have to clean out the structure every few days to keep the pests from taking over. The solution to problem was stunningly simple.
Spray the interior of the structure with OdoBan. OdoBan is a sanitizer designed to eliminate odors. It has a eucalyptus scent. Mix some up in a spray bottle, lightly spray the interior services and no more pests. It’s like magic. And the kids are no longer afraid to enter the play structure for fear of bees. I suspect this would work with other cleaners like Pinesol but OdoBan is the only one we’ve used. You can get OdoBan at Sam’s Club.