
Markdown Edit 1.11 Released

Change Log: Add Spanish translation (partial) Add $CLIPBOARD$ substitution parameter to snippets Restyle image upload popup Add About section in settings dialog Available on the Downloads Page

Friday Links #373

Programming SpeckJS - Comment Driven Development Python 3.5 Brings New Language Features and Library Modules Relay: Declarative data for React applications release-it [Happy Programmer’s Day Hackaday](http://hackaday.com/2015/09/13/happy-programmers-day/) npm-check hotkeys Modernizr News ES6 WeakMaps, Sets, and WeakSets...

Friday Links #372

Programming Visual Studio Code v0.8.0 Release NTVS 1.1 RC2 · Microsoft/nodejstools · GitHub [Node v4.0.0 (Stable) Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v4.0.0/?utm_source=nodeweekly&utm_medium=email) Using Elixir’s Pattern Matching And Case Statement To Handle Errors - Rob Conery Using Recursion In Elixir To...

Tips on Setting up Karma Testing with Webpack

Despite the plethora of examples on using Karma with Webpack, I struggled to get things working. Afterwards, I realized there were a few key bits of information that were either glossed over or not emphasized...

Markdown Edit 1.10 - GitHub Flavored Markdown

Many of you have asked for GitHub flavored markdown support, primarily for generating tables. The additional Markdown features are documented here. The Markdown Edit previewer will not show syntax highlighting in code blocks. The indicators...

Friday Links #371

Programming [Open-source typeface “Hack” brings design to source code Ars Technica](http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/08/open-source-typeface-hack-brings-design-to-source-code/) Getting Started With Falcor Wallaby.js for Atom text editor · Artem Govorov DaSpec – Awesome executable specifications in Markdown gun.js.org - Easiest Database Ever...

Friday Links #370

Programming Converting ES6 Maps to and from JSON Roaming Extension Manager: Control and Consistency down to the last Extension [Projects Lea Verou](http://lea.verou.me/projects/) Making Angular.js Real-Time with Pusher - Pusher dataminr/window-manager Simple Notifications by shaundon Pure...

Friday Links #369

Programming How to Improve Loading Time with basket.js [Welcome ReSharper 9.2, ReSharper C++ 1.1 and More Ultimate Updates ReSharper Ultimate Blog](http://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2015/08/19/welcome-resharper-9-2-resharper-c-1-1-and-more-ultimate-updates/) Falcor: One Model Everywhere SoundBot/heartbeat.js UpUp - The Offline First Library ES6 In Depth:...

Friday Links #368

Programming Node-TimSort: Fast Sorting for Node.js · Marco Ziccardi [How to use JetBrains Annotations to improve ReSharper inspections ReSharper Ultimate Blog](http://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2015/08/12/how-to-use-jetbrains-annotations-to-improve-resharper-inspections/) Desktop Apps With Electron And Kendo UI -Telerik Developer Network [Dependency Injection in Angular...

That Conference - Talking about Github Pages

I’m at ThatConfernce in the Wisconsin Dells talking about GitHub pages. In fact, this is a live post from the talk demonstrating how easy it is to post to GitHub Pages.
.Net, Technology, Life, Whatever

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